Explain what the balance is between that. Then you have four maps focused more on close quarters infantry. Looking at the new maps, two of them have a more traditional Battlefield scope with vehicles and large spaces. I think that is what we're trying to do with these maps, over the next while, is create those new gameplay experiences that as we go throughout the services, adding new maps that will create new gameplay experiences as the team comes up and creates these new ideas. It's the maps that we created that offer different gameplay experiences that they didn't previously have are the ones that keep them warm, keep them sticky. What we see with our players is, the new maps create a lot of excitement. Ryan McArthur: What makes these maps slightly different is we put a lot of effort into making them have their own unique experience. Of course, there are turnaround times on everything, but for now, this was one of the biggest demands, and we also upped the max rank and announced private games, things really high up on the list from the community. That's the beautiful thing with the live service – we can listen in on our players and see what they want. In the future, it might be something else we focus on.

Lars Gustavsson: It's too early to tell where we're going when we move into next year, but we wanted to do a big push since that's what the community has been screaming for. Moving beyond that, is this a cadence we're going to see more consistently now that you have a lot of the general pieces in place for the game?

You heard the resounding feedback from the community regarding the dearth of maps, announcing six new maps that will roll out over the course of the next several months. We recently sat down with creative director Las Gustavsson and senior development director Ryan McArthur to discuss where Battlefield V goes from here, touching on topics like the underdeveloped storefront, the still-missing hardcore mode, the heavy emphasis on infantry maps, and Battlefield's esports future. Before E3, the studio announced an aggressive plan to add six maps to the game in the coming months, and as teased the return of some fan-favorite maps like Operation Metro (reimagined as Operation Underground) and Iwo Jima. However, the turbulence hasn't deterred DICE from trying to get the game on the right trajectory. From its scattershot launch to its unpredictable (and content starved) post-launch strategy and lackluster sales, Battlefield V has had a shaky debut.